
In the Sea of Cortez 2006

Saturday, October 14, 2017


As you can tell I have not posted since April.  My mobile blogger app kept crashing then just didn't work.  Apparently there is a problem with google and the app support.   I've been home since June but have not thought much about the blog with catching up on visiting family, taking Chez Nous to Catalina with grandkids and finally having my Achilles tendon reconstructed.   Now in rehab and not completely mobile  I've decided I better try to update the blog before we go back down to Mexico  in early December or it will never be updated.  Thankfully the pictures I took are pretty much in order and there are a few reminders in the ships log at least enough to jog my memory.  It certainly would have been easier to have done it at the time: however, this way I get to relive some of the moments.

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