
In the Sea of Cortez 2006

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Isla Isabela

Sunday 4/3/2016
     Cleared the San Blas jetty at 0630 for 38 nm of motor sailing with either no wind or right on the nose but a calm pleasant day.    Below is Piedra Blanca del Tierra which the Huichol people believe is close to God.

 Al spent the day repairing the head and making a new flapper valve out of a piece of neoprene.  

We arrived at the Island about 1400 and headed into the south cove as there was a sailboat already in there but there was a large south swell that was breaking and made it terribly unsafe.   So we quickly turned around and bwent around to the east side and anchored behind Las Monas the twisting rock spires or The Mnnequins.   Al didn't feel comfortable leaving the boat so Janet , Henry and I took the dinghy around to the fishing village and landed it on a steep coral beach near all the pagans.  We are very thankful for wheels.

Since it was late in the day we only had time for a short hike to the top of the Island to got to see the amazing birds ans iguana.

We saw hundreds of Magnificent Frigates, brown and Bluefooted Boobies , all very close and unafraid.
What a cool experience.   I might add more pictures later.

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