
In the Sea of Cortez 2006

Saturday, April 16, 2016

April 5-10-2015 Copper Canyon/Mazatlan

First order of business is to get Al a new IPhone and to figure out how to get to Copper Canyon since the weather was not good for taking the boat North across to La Paz in the next few days.  We decided to bus to Los Mochis in the state of Sinaloa and from there get the 0600 train El Chepe to Creel, a little mountain town where we stayed over night at the Margarita Hotel. The train ride was spectacular.

 Next day we hired a transport to take us to the Canyon Rim at Baracas. Where we stayed at Mansion Tarahumara  Hotel.  Maria, who speaks fluent English has built this very cool hotel over the past 30 years.  Most of it faces the mountains but the latest rooms are right on the canyon rim.  Ours looked right over the canyon and down into some of the natvie houses below where many Tarahumara live.

We hiked a little before dinner.

     Our rooms top center White building.
Then in the morning took we a Tram ride down into the canyon then back to the hotel to gather our stuff and head back to the train stop near by.   

Train trip was a blast.  The adventure was definitely worth it but from Mazatlan it was a long 17 hr. One way bus/train event.  

Got back on Sat. but office was closed till Monday to checkout so we had a chance kayak.
 Al got to update his operating system for the phone and we all got to explore more of Mazatlan and have a nice Sunday dinner at the Local Chill and Grill.

               National Siblings Day

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