
In the Sea of Cortez 2006

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Week 2 in La Cruz

Loving the relaxed pace and enjoying the cruising life. We've been fixing little things, roaming the town, took a bus trip checking out  the Mega (grocery store) and enjoyed lots of live music. 

La Cruz has a great Sunday farmers market with awesome home made foods and crafts plus veggies and fruit.

Our LAYC friends Lloyd and Colleen Clauss plus Matt and Terry and a friend Cassey anchored out side the Marina and came to visit by dinghy.  We had a great dinner and fun evening at Phillos.

I told Al I needed more exercise so he agreed end to take a long walk with me on Tues.  Well , sometimes we are a little crazy.  We walked from here all the way to Paridise Village in the sand and over rocks.  The longest 9 miles in the heat of the day.  It was beautiful and we did take a couple collectivos home.

Needless to say yesterday was a slow day.   Just a short kayak trip that didn't require walking.  My heels feel like I've been on the Camino again.
Magnificent Frigates on light posts at the breakwater for La Cruz Marina while kayaking.  They are huge.

We are excited in anticipation of the arrival of our son Darren, Suanne, and grandkids Noah and Zoe from snowy Boston on Sunday.   We got fuel this morning and will finish reprovisioning in  the next few days.  
Speaking of fuel.  Chez Nous's engine is a Perkins M135hp we got in 2007.  Fuel consumption rate on the way down was .77 gal /hr.  Diesel here is $3.15 per gal.and no extra docking fees like we heard about Cabo.

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