
In the Sea of Cortez 2006

Monday, February 1, 2016

Arrived in Puerto Vallarta Sunday

1/31/2015       Tied up in a slip at 1250 Marina La Cruz.  We had north winds last night but all of 10 to 12 kts.  The sea was surprisingly empty.  No ships or whales and only a few birds , Magnificent Frigates as we were approaching  .   

1032 nautical miles from Ensenada to Puerto Vallarta in Banderas Bay.   1000 nm without the detour to the head of Mag Bay to the clinic.  7 sailing days plus 2hrs.   A total of 9 days counting the two stops.

It didn't take us long to get off the boat, for a walk about.
Margaritas and dinner a shore.   It's been a fun trip.

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