
In the Sea of Cortez 2006

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Tenacatita to Las Hadas 1/19/18

Friday Jan.19,2018:    0945 underway to Barra de Navidad for fuel.


1150 tied up at the fuel dock and took 300 liters.  We were the only boat at the dock.  There was plenty of room to turn and back in 18 ft of water. 
1220 on our way again, we will spend time here on our way back north.   We love Barra.

The ship wreck is being cut up to be hauled away.  Progress from last year.


Los Frailes.  Just before Bahia Santiago 

 Manzanillo with lots of ships coming in and going plus at anchor....a very busy port.

Almost there.  Just around tucked up around the corner to port.   What a great day on the water. 10 -12kts on a broad reach most of the day, max 15 kts coming into the anchorage at Las Hadas.

As we came around the corner Steve Roberts, from Wind Rose called on the radio from the anchorage welcoming us. Later we all got together on Wind Rose for sea tales and making new friends (Dianna and John), from Germany who have been cruising for 7 years.   They were in the earth quake and  Sunami that hit Marina Chiapas last fall, which is way south of here.   Only three boats here now in this tranquil place.  We had such a quiet peaceful sleep last night.  Once I woke and thought we must be in a slip.

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