
In the Sea of Cortez 2006

Sunday, December 3, 2017


Thursday   11/30/17:    The crew assembled at Coral Marina ready for an adventure;  however, before Chez Nous left the little harbor loose bolts on the prop shaft coupler caused the shaft to bend which included collateral damage to the transmission mounting plate to the engine.  Thankfully they were close enough to pull themselves back to the dock to investigate the loss of propulsion and begin repair planning.

Friday.   12/01/17:         Arrangements were made for a panga to tow Chez Nous back to Guillermo’s yard in Ensenada early Sat morning in high tide conditions.  Guillermo began looking for available mounting plates that might fit our engine.   The decision was made because no one knows how long repairs will take that the entire crew would come home.  Al asked me to drive down to pick them up but hadn’t decided if he would come back with us or stay down to work on repairs.

Saturday.  12/02/17:       The crew all say it was a white knuckle tow,  three miles back to Ensenada with several close calls due to a panga  driver that didn’t have a clue to what he was doing.   It’s too bad they didn’t turn on the Satilite tracking for the tow.   The haul out went well but none of the available plates fit both the inside and outside bolt placements needed for our engine so it became clear that Al would have to bring the broken plate home to find or have a replacement fabricated..  The shaft was significantly bent and had to be sawed in two to get it out.

                      Rain Wilson, our grand daughter,  was Al’s crew on the way down from San Pedro.

    Jim Morgan, his friend and classmate Bob Owen, Tom Garnier and Rain Wilson.  Al must still be in the bilge.
    All are disappointed but all accept the unforeseen challenges in good spirits.  After all it was still an adventure, although shorter than expected.

A quick stop at La Fonda for fish tacos and Tecate.   Needed fortification for what turned out to be a two and a half hour wait at the San Ysidro  border crossing.

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