April 20-29, 2016
My sister Marsue and her husband Alan arrived from ME after weeks of below freezing weather. The recent daytime warming up there caused the logging roads to become muddy and Alan was able to take some time off from trucking.
Arrived in time to drop their bags on Chez Nous change into bathing suits and order a late lunch at the beach Palapa. Relaxing and watching all the Lasers sail back into the harbor at Puerto Nuevo.
The women's division of Laser World were just finishing up so we went to the awards presentations where Paige Riely got 2nd place after leading the
competition for the qualifying rounds.
Kayaking was the first thing after coffee on thurs. morning.
Thurs night movies at La Cruz marina were still happening and we wanted to share the collectivo adventure of getting there plus "Tacos on the Street", so off we went. We arrived very early with most of the town closed up we found "Anna Bananas" to be open, cool and shady. Just locals this time of year so the owner had time to join us for a few beers and recited the poem he had written for a deceased friend which explained why he had so many Crown Royal bags hung over the bar.
An early morning dinghy trip through the Mangrove channels.
Then back to the beach.
Sat. We set off for a two day sail in the Bay...first stop and over night anchorage was Punta de Mita on the north west tip of the Bay.
Not much wind on Sunday morning motor sailing across the bay to the south side and Yelapa. A panga met us coming in and helped us pick up a mooring in the center of the field. Nice. We had a terrific day on the beach and did a little hiking over to the town.
Yes a Palapa in Yelapa is better than a condo in Redondo but you can have the rock and roll sleepless night we had on the mooring... Should have had a stern tie. We were back at Paradise village on Monday afternoon pushed into the entrance by a little swell for added excitement.
The next few days we hung out here at the Village. With three pools , beach palapas, kayaks and an air conditioned living room (the mall), boat and awesome company it couldn't have been better.
That is Marsue and Alan to the right in the water.
Had to have one dinner at the Fajita Republic where a teen girl feel off the dock into the Croc zone water and all the waiters ran to her rescue.
Wednesday we went to :
Just an amazing place . Great hiking trails through natural settings. Vanilla everywhere plus the excellent food.
A walk on the Malecon on the way home for art appreciation and silliness.
A couple more days to enjoy the warm Vallarta sun.
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