
In the Sea of Cortez 2006

Friday, January 29, 2016

A Whale of a day

For a day that had been predicted to have no wind we enjoyed from 10 to 20kts all day. We kind of have a rule that if the SOG gets lower than 5kts consistently then we motor sail.

It was cold and damp on the 0600 watch this morning but by 10 it was 80 degrees. Everyone was busy last night putting up and down the pole , changing tacks, jibing and rocking and rolling with the cross swells burns calories while you are trying to sleep. So we had a late brunch of MX scrambled eggs with tortillas from the factory in Ensenada.

All day we spotted humpbacks, I think the count was 8 today. We saw breaching with full bodies out of the water, lots of pec slapping and several flukes.

1345 we pasted "hole in the wall at Cabo San Lucas and changed course to 110 degrees headed for PV . In 16 kts of wind. Still predicted no wind. Should be there in under 2 days.

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