Weather outside Manzanillo was getting rough with big seas, my blood pressure and my anxiety were getting out of control so after talking to my Dr and making some changes to my blood pressure meds and Al agreeing to delay our departure we left at 7:30 on Tues the 24th. A 6ft swell with a couple ft. Wind waves. Swell from the north and waves from the S. Interesting washing machine for a while. Wind from the south east so had to tack offshore with a reef but soon the wind lighted and eventually come in behind us at about 5kts. A pretty good trip compared to others that started before and after us. Arrived the 25th and anchored in 12 feet of water off the Municipal Beach here at Zihuatanejo.
Just bought more water. Used only 65 gals in 2 1/2 weeks. Suzanne left yesterday , the 30th and took the kit and the old water-maker head/pump back with her and we have ordered an already rebuilt one. Anyone coming this way?
And the generator is still having issues at times. Cross my fingers the engine is perfect.
FEB 2....JL had to return to the states for a family emergency.