The down wind poles now have new male and female connectors to the mast track. These are not going to break but the poles might bend.
Twenty one more deck plugs drilled out epoxied and replaced . That's a regular occurring job, and west system repair of the teak shower rate. I'm sure I'm foregetting a few things but I've been doing laundry and we've been reprovisioning.
Friday night was a supper tasty Cajun shrimp dinner at the yacht club
followed on Easter with a grand pot luck with ham chicken, many salads and about 6 deserts. It was a nice way to spend the evening when you can't be with the kids, grand and great grand kids.
Check out the April edition of Sea Magazine with a picture a Chez Nous on a feature page regarding Baja Naval.
Janet and Henry arrive today to take off tomorrow for a couple weeks. We were all disappointed when we got the word yesterday that Tom and Laura will not be able to join us as planned. Hoping for good weather to go north to see the blue footed boobies but it's not looking great. There is expected to be a cold front coming down the sea on Thurs night.